Internal Audit Department

Internal Audit Department falls under General Administration and is headed by the Chief Internal Auditor. The department has the responsibility of ensuring that :-

– Operations of the Organization are run in an effective and efficient manner.

– Operational informations have integrity and are reliable.

– The Organization’s assets are properly safeguarded.

– The Organization comply with laws, rules and regulations.

The Department accomplishes its mission through the conduct of operational, financial and performance audits, selected as a result of a comprehensive risk analysis and assessment process.

The operations of the department are guided by the Audit Charter and executed via a risk based audit plan which covers all functional areas of the organization.

The Department reports functionally to the Board Audit Committee and administratively to the Resident Director and Chief Executive. As part of the strategy to meet its long term objectives, the Department is more focused on a risk based audit process, IT audit and other pro- active review approaches.